"I want to thank you for the BEAUTIFUL anniversary card
you sent us with such a lovely message. I'm in the
process of having just the right frame made for your
collage. Mary is coming with her two boys to spend a
few days with us, and I'm eager to show her your work."
This is the message I received today from my sister's mother-in-law, Mary Campbell. I always make an original card for my friends and family. It simply never ceases to amaze me when I get such a compliment. Why is it that I think my work is not so extraordinary? Is it because I love doing it and it comes relatively easily? I think my cousin Tamara relayed the same message last week when she told me that she can't believe people think her writing is extraordinary. She says it comes to her so easily. Well I have been producing some cards these last few weeks as I try to immerse myself in art-making again. Several cards sold before I even had a chance to scan them. I am blessed that some people appreciate my work.