Monday, October 30, 2006

Life is Fast Forward

The last few weeks I have been working hard to complete as many pieces as I can for my upcoming exhibit at St. Thomas the Apostle's Ninth annual fine arts exhibit. Each year I participate. Last year I was not able to be there because my husband surprised me with a trip to Paris. I am not complaining. So this year I am trying to make the best of the show. Post cards have been sent for the most part. Last minute fine tuning of some pieces and finally getting everything framed and ready to show. I will include some notecards for those unable to afford my larger pieces. I hope this is a success. I have been getting my artwork out into various venues. There are 5 pieces in Bloomingdale Museum. There are another 4 at Hinsdale Public Library and soon there will be several at various Art Leagues in the western suburbs of Chicago. All this distribution of artwork requires carefull planning and organization. But it is exciting.

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